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Sanath jayasuriya  is well  known  for  his  fast  batting.  he  holds  the  record for  the  fastest  half  century in one day  international   cricket matches.  He  also holds  the  record  for  the  highest  number  of  runs  scored  twenty  nine  in  a  single  orer.  He  is  an all-rounder,  good  at  bow ling and  fielding  too.  He  is an  old  boy  of  st servatious  college  matara.



Technolo   refers to all tools and ways of doing things. Ways of doing things are procedures. Tools incl ude utensils, devices, machinery, inventions and structures. The methods are techniques and ways of doing things.

                   In a broad sen technology is “Man ‘s ability to control nature” Some specifie areas are”Construction tech noloyy” , “Computer technology” and “Medical technology” Technology develops and changes over time and is constantly replaced with new moclels. Students should have a good knowledge of ftechnology to keep pace with the changing times. So it is necessary to improve Engilsh and read more and more on technology and be ready to face the chllenges of the glodal village in the future



Butterfly is an insert. It has four legs. It has no bones. Butterfly has the teeth. It has two pairs of wings. The wings of the butterfly are very beautiful. There are eyes all over the wings. Butterfly is a harmless animal. It collects nectar from flowers that are this food. Butterflies are molly coloured.They look like flowers. Butterflies are becoming less and lessen number every yesr.They are extinction insects. We must protect those harmless beautiful butterflies. Moths are after mistaken to be butterflies.

           Dr.c.w.w.w.Kannangara’s. dedicated serviceto the people of this coun try is seen in the reforms that He drou ght about in education ,as the miniper of educ ation. His grea pest contribution was the introduction of free education to all in our country. The establis henat of central schools was a great achievement in provding high qual education free to the talented children of the masses. Dr. .Kannangara  said “lsay it’ s’the pearl of great price ’sell anll theat you hava and buy it for the benefit of the whole country. We shallbe able to say that we found educoti on the datri mony of the riche and leftn it the inheriance  of the toor.” Referring  to the cultural heriteage of  the fast, he said,” the education that prevailed in this country for about 2000 years was absolutely free.”   His reforms provide education free fom the kinderyarten to the university in the ancient traditi on of a liberal education. He was deeply committed to the cause of servihg the country andits people.





Everyone should protect the Environment. The most important thing you can do is to leave the Environment the way you find it.When you want to throw something away.You ought to find a garbage can.The peroson who leaves litter behindois worst kind Of traveller.Always carry a bag with you to put your litter in.This is the best way to protect the environment.



Sigiriya is a placeof archaeological val value.It is a rock fortress.This rock tress is world famous for its frescoes. Thorists who come to sri lanka never fail love sit sigiriya.This forkasyapa.The height of this fortress is tress was built by king about boo feet.Several books on this sigiriya Graffity have been writen by professor Senarath paranawithana,who was the commissioner of archaeology.


Our sinhala hindu New year celebrate at 12th or 13th April or13th 14th april every years.It is very funny festival.We do the religeouns activitys on a new year day.We play the new year game on new year day.Porapol Gesima,Ankeliya,Pancha Demima,Kamba Adima,Kanamutti gasima are some game we do th new year day.We are celebrate the new year day friendly and very Peacefully.



  Parrot is a bird.It is very beautiful.It is green.The feathers are green.IT has a curved beak.THe beak is red.Round the neck is red too.It is like a red necklace.parrot is like a flower.parrot can talk.It eats all the fruits in the garden.We love parrots.some people keep parrots as pets.when they are trained they speak a few words.  




  Zoo is a place where animals are kept children like the Zoo.It is situared in Dehiwala.Animals are trained to do wonderful things.Sri lanka elephants living in the Zoo are trained to dance.One elephaant is beating the drum while the others are dancing.Monkeys are thained to play.There are lots of fish thaks.They are beautiful.Almost in each country there is a Zoo.A Zoo is an interesting place.